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Once upon a time, a young daydreamer got a reality check on her way to happily ever after. This hip-hop soul journey follows Feri, a social media influencer who comes face to face with the problem of putting price tags on people. After being awakened to the harsh realities attached to the business of fulfilling fantasies, Feri fights to free herself from the lure of fame and fortune. The quest to find true value leads her to an unmarked fork in the road— one path promises liberation and the other offers covering under a spell of disenchantment. As impending doom threatens to consume her life, Feri must choose a path before it’s too late.

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Being in the right place at the wrong time put Feri on the turf of a suspected predator named Devin. A simple online search allows Devin to gather details about Feri's personal life, enabling him to track her down and pursue a bond. Unbeknownst to Feri, her mentor Joanne, is secretly monitoring Devin's suspected involvement in a human trafficking ring. Meanwhile, Joanne's attempt at bringing Feri into her fold of activists is thwarted by the student leader who accuses Feri of lacking the social consciousness needed to make change.


As Feri awakens to the reality of Devin's dark enterprise, she gains a surge of hope from Joanne that helps her begin to discover true value and find liberation from her entanglements; however, Feri's decision to withdraw from Devin intensifies his pursuit. While Joanne races the clock to gather evidence against Devin and his co-conspirators, Feri finds herself stuck in a nightmare with little hope for survival. In the end, the grave details unfold during a televised court hearing.

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Live on stage Sat Oct 23 at 7:30pm

The Orpheum 


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